Oh wow, the time definitely flies by! Right before this trimester we had the Gestational Diabetes Test . This test is more of a health precaution factor that affects you and your baby. 2-10% of women experience this during pregnancy. If diagnosed then your healthcare provider will help assist in getting you on track to keep it under control. This is to check on how your body properly breaks down the insulin in your body, and taken between 26-28 weeks.
Once entering this trimester I have noticed the rapid growth and movement of this child and slight itchiness. I'm not surprised because I am growing but this baby is moving.
It may not be common but I'll notice little scratches on my belly and random accidental scratches I put on myself. I've been less active than I would want to be, and more naps which is expected. There is slight shortness of breath but mainly when he is moving, but not bad to where I feel like I'm out of breath. At this time, increasing my water intake is key and having enough iron. At this point, I did increase my intake from 10mL to 20mL since everything is bigger and getting bigger now. No waddling as of yet, but the nose spread has begun. This is a great time to also get a 3D Ultrasound to see your baby's facial features. It is considered "extra" and not covered by most insurances, depending where you go. We are doing that and looking forward to it! It is a beautiful feeling overall, and just a reminder of what my body is capable of and how it is moving. We also started our childbirth classes, so we are learning about expectations and what to do for labor preparation and all the stages. It is very helpful and educational. I highly recommend it for both you and your partner to go through.