When we found out we were pregnant, I was 8 weeks. When trying to get an appointment, I was told that I couldn't come in until I was 11 weeks. This is my first time with all of this so my nerves were all over the place because I couldn't feel anything. When we did have our first appointment and heard his heartbeat it was emotional for both of us, me especially. It was a moment I'll always remember. Even after I was anxious in excitement to hear his heartbeat. So my husband got me my own doppler for Christmas. It's called the Neeva Doppler and I absolutely love it.
It always gives me comfort if I ever get nervous or just want to hear his heartbeat. So every now and then I'lll pull it out and listen. The only thing I will say is that the heartbeat count can be jumpy. It's not as accurate but it does measure it to give you a reading. You can even change the intensity to listen.
Now as we are in the last trimester, I feel more kicks and movement so I know he is active and moving. In the mornings or at night we will listen for the heart. Even when he moves with the doppler on him, I can tell and realize that he's shifted from his movements. This is a great investment I must say, especially if you plan on having more little ones. It's good to have around.