What I learned in my first pregnancy. Things did NOT go as expected, but God is good! Did anyone else birth story NOT go according to plan?? Mine did a whole 360 when I was 38 weeks. I was anti:
medication, epidural, and hospital.
When doing my research I had a lot of concerns with having a hospital birth due to the stigma of how black women were treated and not taken seriously when it came to expressing their concerns and just being dismissed period. So naturally choosing the non-medicated route was my go-to (and still is ).
However, Gods plan was different. Close to the end, we had concerns about Logan’s growth and position. Saw a specialist and not only was he breeched but the umbilical cord was wrapped twice around his neck. I lost it and broke down. This went from a still possible natural birth to c-section real quick!
My entire “plan” was out the window. I was scared, angry, and mad at myself thinking I did something wrong to cause everything to change.
Terrified not knowing what to expect, all I could do was pray and trust God. I had no friends who had this experience to reach out too and I dare not go on the internet (which was the best advice I got).
Even though this is my first time, I’ve learned SO much from both sides of a birth center and hospital, that my prayer STILL is to one day have a natural birth.
For more on my birth story, check the full link in bio! While we’re here, if any mamas have advice on v-bac let me know! I’m here for all the tea!